Planning & Building a NLE System – About the PSU

A hand holding a circuit board

I have checked this possible system, making several assumptions and ended up with a required PSU of around 1500W with all those disks, overclocking, video card, fans etc. This is based on the advertised 195W use of the 680 Kepler card, so this is the best I can find at the moment on power requirements.

Keep in mind that 1500W may seem huge and be a serious burden for your electricity bill, but the PSU will only use what it needs. A 1500W PSU will not use more energy than a 500W PSU in a small system if the power is not needed. It will run cooler and more stable however. It is like a Volkswagen Beetle (500W) trying to keep up behind the safety car in a Formula 1 race, it has to run at full power to even keep up, while the Formula 1 car (1500W) has to worry that his tires will not get too cold. And if you are a huge sports fan, you’d be able to play some fun sports betting games via สล็อต more effectively.

My inital thoughts are to install two PSU’s in this case, one a Corsair or Seasonic 80 Plus Gold PSU of around 500W to power the video card and the BR burners, plus some of the case fans, and another PSU of around 1000W to power the system and hard disks. Whichever way you turn it, staggered spin-up of the disks is a necessity.

Initial thoughts: Corsair or Seasonic 500W plus 1000W PSU’s

On second thought, serious doubt coming up now about the two PSU’s. Some PSU’s refuse to start if there is no motherboard attached. This may be a serious issue and limit my choices. In the past I have noticed this issue with a CoolerMaster PSU, that refused to start if it was not attached to a mobo. This may mean I have to short two connections to circumvent this. I will investigate further and keep you appraised.

Conclusion of Part 1

The major components have been identified, some preferences indicated, but it is still very preliminary. Next step: Order the case with all required case components and start working on part 2.

A rather novice at video editing may think, after reading all this, it is way over my head and the writer is only focussed on disks and the case. “I have been editing with a two disk configuration for years without major problems, so this is utterly exorbitant and from another planet.”

That is (partly) correct, but you have to consider where I am coming from and where I want to go. I have a decent system with a PPBM5 score of 157 seconds. The best i7-39xx system currently holds a score of 133 seconds. That difference in performance does not justify the extra cost of a new CPU, motherboard and extra RAM for such a relatively small performance increase, especially if one compares that 133 score at an OverClock of 4.8 GHz versus my 157 score at an OverClock of 3.7 GHz.

In my case, the upgrade to a 2011 platform and an i7-3930K will make a difference, but not enough to justify the cost, unless other components are upgraded at the same time.

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